Oral presentations
Plenary speakers:
45 minutes (including ca. 5 minutes for a short introduction and questions)
Invited speakers:
30 minutes (including ca. 5 minutes for a short introduction and questions)
20 minutes (including ca. 5 minutes for short questions)
The session chairs will keep a tight schedule to ensure that the program stays on time and to allow participants to follow presentations in different sessions. All presentations and questions must be in English, as English is the official language of the conference. Please prepare your presentation in Powerpoint and upload it at the cloud at least the day before your presentation. Also, please make yourself known to the session chairperson who will be in the lecture room and who has to make sure before the beginning of the session that all speakers are present.
Poster presentations
Poster Setup
Poster presenters are requested to bring their poster to the conference. All posters must be prepared in English, as English is the official language of the conference. The poster board's surface will be 100 x 125 cm (portrait format). The recommended size of the poster is A0 format (portrait format, not landscape).
Material for attaching the poster to the boards will be available in the poster area. Staff will also be in the poster area to assist you with the poster location. Putting up the poster will be done by each author. The poster boards will be numbered by the conference team. Please check the poster list carefully to make sure you hang the poster on the correct poster board.
All poster will hung on both days, but on Monday presenting authors of odd numbered posters are requested to stand in front of their poster, and on Tuesday presenting authors of even numbered poster are requested to be in front of their poster.
Poster hangup can start after registration to the conference on Sunday, but should be finished during lunch on Monday. Removal of posters should be done on Wednesday during lunch.