6th EuChemS Inorganic Chemistry Conference

September 3-7, 2023 - Vienna/Austria


Abstracts submission deadline

April 18th – for oral communications extended to April 25
May 2nd – for poster presentations since we have been able to allocate additional space for poster presentations, submission of abstracts is possible until August 15

Submission of Abstracts

Please follow the guidelines provided in the table below, for your convenience you can download a template file as MS Word-Document. Do not change any of the formatting settings in the template file.

The authors of the submitted abstracts will take responsibility of any intellectual property issues about the abstracts on their own. The organizing committee of EICC6 has the legal right to use the submitted abstracts for conference purposes.

The presenting author will be notified about acceptance and scheduling. The presenting author must be registered (online registration will be possible in May) for final acceptance of the abstract to the program and publication in the Abstract Book. Please note that the presenting author is not automatically registered by submitting an abstract. Regular registration implies payment of the registration fee.

Guidelines for preparing abstracts

Page size: A4 (297 x 210 mm), abstract must not exceed one page
Margins: 30 mm from all edges (top: 30 mm; bottom: 30 mm; left: 30 mm; right: 30 mm)
Font type: Times New Roman and Symbol; do not use any other font
Line spacing: title and text must be single spaced
1<sup>st</sup> Line: Title: centered, 12 point, bold capital letters (except formulas)
2<sup>nd</sup> Line: Author(s): centered, 12 point, presenting author underlined
3<sup>rd</sup> Line: Affiliation (name, city and country, omit street names and postcodes): centered, 12 point.
In the case you need more than one affiliation, please specify with superscript a, b, etc.
Main text: left and right justified, 12 point, text must be single spaced, unindented
Figures: good quality, located within the text (please bear in mind that the page size will be reduced to 70%)
References: placed in square brackets [1, 2, ...] in the text and cited at the bottom of the abstract